by | 4 Nov 2020 | Articles

Mentor Letter: Stay positive

Stay positive, work hard, make it happen!

With exams in process, tension may be high and the bundles of nerves can cause havoc. Exams, studying and revision can be stressful, but staying motivated during exams is important.

Here are a few quick tips to help you cope during this period:

  • Be organised – write down all your exam dates on a calendar. Work backwards to figure out how much time you have for each subject.
  • Share your revision timetable with your family – if everyone is on the same page, it will lessen the chance of being interrupted while you are studying. It might also help them to keep you motivated and focused.
  • Remember that you are not the only student preparing for exams and also that you are most likely not the only one experiencing stress and uncertainty.
  • Reward yourself for all your revision! Make the rewards good and put as much thought and effort into the reward as you put into the revision. Don’t watch YouTube or Google about the subject you are studying – make sure your reward relaxes you.
  • Trick yourself into thinking about other things. If you just finished a difficult Mathematics paper and need to prepare for Physical Sciences – it is almost impossible to concentrate on studying. Stop worrying about the Maths exam and think of something positive. If you distracted yourself from the negative thoughts, you can focus on what’s next.
  • Take a quick 30-minute nap – research has shown that naps help boost your memory and increases creativity.
  • Get moving with 1-minute exercises – it also contributes to enhancing memory, creativity and intelligence. If exercise isn’t your thing – take a short walk. Spending time outdoors is an excellent way to reduce stress.
  • Keep your eye on the prize – remember why you are working so hard and what you will achieve at the end of your exams.

Should you feel overwhelmed and need an ear or guidance – please contact me, Liezel Bruwer, the Brainline Mentor on [email protected].  Sharing concerns or problems makes the challenge seem more manageable.

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