Brainline is an
Innovative, quality-driven online school, providing home education for Grade R – 12.
In 2022, we continue to do what we love; enabling more and more learners to achieve their National Senior Certificate through innovative distance education solutions.
Choose the profile that best suits your needs:
Grade R-6
Junior Student
Give your child the best possible future by being a part of their learning journey through quality education with Brainline.
Grade 7-12
Senior Student
Give your child the opportunity to achieve their academic potential by providing them with the best learning experience through compliant curriculum.
Grade 10-12
Adult Student
Specially designed Grade 10 – 11 course that can be completed over one year for adults who would like to obtain their matric or specific Grade 12 subjects.
Grade R-12
International Student
The IEB NSC is an internationally comparable school leaving certificate. Along with innovative distance learning technology, Brainline enables global access to quality education.
Grade 4-11
Independent Student
Home education with Brainline is a powerful tool that a learner may use to reach their full academic potential through taking control of their own academics.
Grade R-12
Special Needs Student
Give your child the best chance of success. Help them grow to their full potential with quality education in a safe and positive learning environment.
Junior Student
G R A D E R – 6
Give your child the best possible future by being a part of their learning journey through quality education with Brainline.
Senior Student
G R A D E 7 – 1 2
Give your child the opportunity to achieve their academic potential by providing them with the best learning experience through compliant curriculum.
Adult Student
G R A D E 1 0 – 1 2
Specially designed Grade 10 – 11 course that can be completed over one year for adults who would like to obtain their matric or specific Grade 12 subjects.
Special Needs Student
G R A D E R – 12
Give your child the best chance of success. Help them grow to their full potential with quality education in a safe and positive learning environment.
International Student
G R A D E R – 1 2
The IEB NSC is an internationally comparable school leaving certificate. Along with innovative distance learning technology, Brainline enables global access to quality education.
Independent Student
G R A D E 4 – 1 1
Home education with Brainline is a powerful tool that a learner may use to reach their full academic potential through taking control of their own academics.
Our Products
Not sure which product fits your needs?
We have worked out an easy quiz to help you navigate which of our products will serve you the best.
Our Legacy
Brainline has over 31 years of passionate experience in distance education.
Brainline strives to be an innovative, quality-driven e-learning distance education institution. In 2022, we continue to do what we love — enabling more and more learners to achieve their National Senior Certificate through innovative distance education solutions.
Stay Home. Stay Safe.
Reading isn't rocket science
A webinar on how to plan and present the most effective reading lesson for your child.
Event info
Time: 18:00
Exclusive to Brainline clients in collaboration with Edublox
Book your spot at
We have many insightful articles regarding distance learning
Enrol for 2022
In 2022, we continue to do what we love; enabling more and more learners to achieve their National Senior Certificate through innovative distance education solutions.